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Showing posts from July, 2019

Increasing indiscipline among the students

  A teacher plays an essential role in everyone's life. It navigates us to the way of success. it as a very honorable job and a teacher have the power of changing the world. Till the last era, students respect their teachers and obey their commands and lessons at any touchstone. They never counter them and their tutor also supports the teachers of their wards. But nowadays that scenario is vise versed because now students have no respect for their teachers. They also shoot out their mouth and arguing them in an non-respectful way. Sometimes they become undisciplined with them in spite of being frank. According to a law which made a few years ago educators are not allowed to beat the student this is very appreciable but what about the students, if they raise their hands on their tutors. Then what can they do? There are many cases in which teachers became the victim of mob lynching by their students. Even in a case, a student shoots out his teacher. this proves that e...

Mob Lynching

People have many ways to express their frustration and one of them and most dangerous is mob lynching. When people of the same mentality with the same way to show their frustration on the same people through violence is called mob lynching. Sometimes it causes the death of the victim. It is very tough for the victim to shield himself. There can be any reason for the lynching. It is not a newly introduced form of expressing anger but a historic way of the public to show their power. This ancient way of showing anger is very devastating and full of violence which bans nowadays and declared as illegal action by the governments of many nations. History is the spectator of it in the events like the French revolution, Russian revolution, partition of India and Pakistan, in the general elections of India, many cases of mob lynching came forward which proved that it can be caused due religious, spiritual and other purposes or by the supporters of a particular political party. ...


Nowadays the population is increasing at a very high rate and the population growth rate is also increasing. Now the world’s population is 7.7 billion in the year 2019 and the roads are full of traffic, market places are very crowded, hospitals and clinics are full of patients. These all are just a few side effects of the overgrowing population. Now China consists of 19% and India consists of 18% of the world population which is lesser than their land area. Do you know in the last sixty seconds 250 births occur and 105 people are decease?  As we can see that birth rate is more than double the death rate. To show the menace created by the overgrowth of the population we can take the instance of India which has the second-largest people number in the world and is also suffering from a lot of problems that occur due to it. Their roads are so narrow with very fewer lanes and illegal encroachment is also responsible for making them narrow but this is because lanes ar...
