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GANDHI: Bapu you are immortal

Dear Bapu, you are immortal. He is still, alive in our hearts. we are highly obliged to you for this united republic. Mahatma Gandhi was sensational and the most inspiring personality in the universe then, now & forever. His contribution to humanity is truly unforgettable. His full name was "Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi" and was born Oct 2, 1869, at Porbandar, Kathiawar Agency (now in Gujrat) British-ruled India in an ordinary family.

 He achieved his degree of Bachelor of Laws from University College London, Inner Temple. He was a pretty self-esteemed person because "when in South Africa in judicial court, judge compelled him to remove his turban he refused and left the courtroom". He is the national father of India but a musketeer for humanity. He protested against the racism in South Africa which gave rise to a Nobel prize for peace winner Nelson Mandela the first president of South Africa. He started a peaceful protest against the banes of the society which are famous by the name of "Satyagrahas". By observing their life we find that he was a stickler for the rules. He only took a vegetarian diet and never consumed alcohol throughout life. During his formative years, he grew up under the influence Jainism thus their actions revealed the principle of it. He followed eight rules of Yoga throughout his life as follow- Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi.
We can easily see the Aprigraha which is the part of Yama, and it means to lead the life with minimum requirements as he doesn't have many properties and much clothes. Tapa another part of Niyama which means to endure the difficulties, obstacles and complex situations easily in the ways of attaining the objectives and to go-ahead continuously towards the goal. We can easily see this behind their success. Yoga was the reason behind his fitness and disease proof body.   
When he came back to India the condition of farmers and labors were worst. Then he started Satyagraha for their rights such as in Champaran for indigo farmers, in Kheda for cotton mill workers and Dandi against the salt law. There is no doubt that he was the chairperson of quit India movement and Swadesi movement.

He never appreciated the way of Nehru and Sardar Patel but he had still joined them because in spite of different paths they had the same aim.
He was also against the idea of partition but he couldn't protest against it because he supported the will of the crowd. He always supported truth, according to him nepotism is making our society hollow internally.

He died on 30 January 1948. Nathuram Godse assassinated him. When he was dying he recites the name of God 'Ram' three times. His eight km funeral procession was organized. He was responsible for civil right movements in four continents and twelve countries. Shockingly, he was five times nominated for Nobel prize but could be awarded by none, thus committee also apologized on it. 
He doesn't need any award to prove his superiority. He was the epitome of breathing peace and contentment.



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