Bacteriophages are the virus. These are non-cellular organisms. Thus they are not considered as living. They seem to be mechanical as someone made them. They are motile. Consists of a crystalline head, collar, sheath and tail fibres. They contain RNA as genetic material.

Till 200 years ago a single cut sometimes kills a person due to bacterial infections and luckily we found an antibiotic from algae called Penicillin. But due to more use of antibiotics bacteria get evolved and immune to it and antibiotics also kills the good bacteria of our body.
When bacterias get evolved it becomes a superbug but, bacteriophages can destroy them. With the evolution of bacteria, bacteriophages also evolve. Bacteria who get immune against them, lose its resistance to antibiotics.

A few years ago an old man gets infected poorly by bacteria named as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in his chest cavity. This bacteria is naturally resisted to many antibiotics and can even survive in alcohol. In the end, doctors experimentally inject bacteriophage into his chest cavity and within a week the patient gets cured completely.

The bacteriophages are our friendly neighbourhood.
Nice blog....