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CORONA VIRUS: COVID19- prevention and symptoms

Corona virus is a virus which causes a disease called COVID19 ( Coronavirus Disease 2019). This virus first found at Wuhan (China) and spread rapidly. Thousands of people died in a few days. This virus attacks the elderly and children are more likely. People with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and cancer are prone to serious illness. 
COVID19 primarily spreads through droplets of saliva and discharging of the nose when someone sneezes or coughs. Therefore it is essential to cover the mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. There are no specific vaccines for the treatment.



  • Cover your face with masks while going out.
  • Try to avoid direct contacting (handshakes and hugs)
  • Wash your face and hands with soap in regular interval of time and when you enter the house.
  • Use alcohol-based sanitizers.
  • Prefer only homemade food and take a healthy diet.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel.
  • Maintain 1m distance from the unwell person.



  • Fever
  • tiredness
  • dry cough
  • Aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath

As per instructions from ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), if you feel ill so, You can use "Hydroxychloroquine" with the prescription of the doctor. This medicine generally uses to cure malaria. 

Please follow the above mentioned prevention because prevention is always better than cure. We must control this disease it reaches the third stage that is community level of spreading. Be aware as daily thousands are getting infected. And hundreds are dying. So, take care of your hygiene.

If you are feeling ill then, start living in self-quarantine or keep your ailing family member in quarantine. Stay safe at home. Plan don't panic.



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