W.H. Sheldon William Herbert Sheldon was a American psychologist who classified personality of an individual on the basis of body posture and shape which are endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Endomorphs Endomorphs have short arms and legs. that is their limbs are shorter due deposition of adipose tissue. It is hard for them to loose weight. They have soft body and have high capacity for high fat storage. Their excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports, but those sports which requires strength like weight lifting, powerlifting and wrestling are suitable for them. Mesomorphs Mesomorphs have athletic physique and body composition, their chest and shoulder are broader than their waistline. They can easily gain or loose weight. they can perform well in sports need strength, agility and speed. Ectomorphs Ectomorphs are slim. they have elongated muscled and limbs, They usually face great difficulties in gaining weight. Their chest is also flat and have less ...
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