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Collage experience till now

In last few years my social life was ruined. I can't about that to everyone but, i can explain to some special or friend.
Anyway my collage life us very different than i assumed. My expectations were proved brittle and breaking daily. (sarcastically) I just tried to crack joke that "my English is like your Hindi" but😂 now i thought that people took that seriously.

No one is good or bad, rude or polite, friendly or annoying, everyone is different. I can't compare anyone with anyone.

Although i also have some comments about mate, don't take it serious. How can i get to know about someone's nature in two weeks.

Hardik is chill guy like my school friend Sandarbh. Both have many similarities. Currently he is seems matured.

Rishav is also another chill guy. Actually self-sufficient. Perhaps, some girls are trying on him. It is not wrong to use term studd-nerd for him. And one more thing, he has really good taste of music.

Currently i have kinda respect for everyone, i don't know why but I have. I think the people I'm meeting now a days have some purpose which is certainly far from my sight. I don't know how many friends I'll make within three years 😅 but, i hope best for everyone ☺️.

I can't say about much of them. Even that doesn't matters what I'm thinking now. How can I predict and most importantly why can I.

Experiencing new things daily even during travel. But, yes at least one friend is needed to enjoy the college and way. That friend can be anyone.

People lives in long distance relationships and since few months I'm living in long distance friendships🤣😂.

Now, let's see😉



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